Fire Ignitions Complete on East La Jara Prescribed Fire

East La Jara Prescribed Fire – Mt Taylor Ranger District
Cibola National Forest and National Grasslands

Yesterday, with hand and aerial ignitions fire crews completed ignitions on 807 acres of the remaining units. Crews will continue to secure the lines and mop up the perimeter.

Fridays and Saturday’s fire operations accomplished the total 956 acres of the East La Jara RX burn plan objectives.

Residual smoke may be visible for a couple of days from Grants, Acoma, Laguna, Cubero and Seboyeta.

The East La Jara prescribed fire area is 7 miles NE of Grants NM.

Our land management strategy is centered on long-term forest health, including reducing forest fuels and using prescribed fire on the landscape. Prescribed fires are intended to reduce hazardous fuels that have accumulated due to drought, climate change, insects and disease, and decades of fire suppression.

Photo of East La Jara prescribed fire operations – Mt Taylor Ranger District
Cibola National Forest and National Grasslands
Map of East La Jara prescribed fire units – Mt Taylor Ranger District, Cibola National Forest and National Grasslands

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