Blue Fire May 21 2024 Evening Update

Start Date / Time: May 17, 2024, approximately 3:45 p.m.

Cause: Lightning

Size: Blue Fire:.5 acres Blue 2 Fire: 45 acres

Location: White Mountain Wilderness

Resources: Aerial and ground surveillance

Types of vegetation in the area (aka fuels): Dead and dead/down trees

Containment: 0%

Tactic: Surveillance

Road Closures: None

Smoke: Light

Evacuations: None

Update: Based on aerial observations, the Blue Fire has not shown any growth, and is remaining at .5 acres. Blue 2 Fire is also holding at 45 acres.

The overall strategy for the Blue 2 Fire is to continue monitor while allowing it to take its course as much as possible. The remote location and severe terrain that the wildfires make the wildfire unsafe to engage directly at this time, and a safe perimeter is being determined for crews to contain the wildfire.

The objective in fire management on a Designated Wilderness Area is to permit the wildfire to play its natural role as much as possible within the wilderness. If it is determined that the wildfire poses a threat to values adjacent to the Wilderness Areas, action will be taken to protect those assets. The Lincoln National Forest is a fire-adapted ecosystem. It depends on fire to play a natural role in restoring the landscape and wildlife to more natural conditions while preventing the occurrence of more extreme fires in the future.

More Information:


NM Fire Info:


You can expect another update tomorrow, May 22, 2024.

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