Moser Fire Afternoon Update, May 23, 2024

Start Date / Time: May 20, 2024, approximately 3:45 p.m.

Cause: Unknown, Under Investigation

Size: 96 acres

Location: 4 miles east of Cloudcroft

Resources: 2 Hotshot crews, 1 type-2 crew, 3 engines, 2 dozers

Types of vegetation in the area (aka fuels): Mixed Conifer

Containment: 65%

Strategy: Full Suppression

Road Closures: None

Smoke: Light

Evacuations: None, all residents on “ready” status.

READY: Being “Ready” for wildfire starts with maintaining an adequate defensible space around your home.  Review the national READY, SET, GO evacuation statuses at

For the latest updates on evacuations, please go to Tularosa Basin Regional Dispatch Authority:

Update: The Moser Fire has increased to 65% containment and remains at 96 acres.  Crews continue to monitor lines and look for hot spots and ensure the fire line is secure. Fire is continuing to smolder and creep within containment lines, but no new growth is present at this time.

With the upcoming anticipated wind events, crews will focus on ensuring hotspots are addressed and all lines are secure.

More Information:


NM Fire Info:


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