Blue 2 Fire Update, June 5, 2024

Containment added, repair work continues        

Daily Update: June 5, 2024

Acres: 7,532                                                                                                     Start Date: May 16, 2024

Location: 8 miles North of Ruidoso, White Mountain Wilderness Area               Cause: Lightning

Personnel: 399                                                                                                   Fuels: Timber/Grass/Brush

Containment: 77%                                                                              

Resources: 5 crews | 14 engines | 2 helicopters | 2 bulldozers | 5 Water Tenders

Highlights: Firefighters achieved additional containment just south of Bonito Lake as work on the fire continues. A virtual public meeting is planned for Thursday, June 6 at 7:30 pm. The meeting will be broadcast live on the Blue 2 Fire Facebook page.

Operations: Firefighters continue to focus on repairing dozer lines and hand lines created during the height of fire suppression efforts. As repair work is completed, it is inspected to ensure the standards identified by the Forest Service and New Mexico Forestry Division are met. Brush cut to remove fuels has been chipped. Excavators are working along the dozer line from the 131 road to the 108 road, installing erosion control features and pulling brush on top of disturbed soil. Crews are checking for any additional hot spots on Soldier Mountain and using hand tools to create small ridges that will divert water and reduce future erosion potential along the handline. The dozer line west of the communities along the Forest Service boundary is also being repaired. Masticators working along this dozer line have created a fuel break that will help reduce risk to the communities during future wildfires. Seed has been ordered and fire lines will be re-seeded. Law enforcement continues to enforce the forest closure so firefighters can safely complete their work.   

Weather: Moisture is expected to enter the fire area today with potential for isolated afternoon storms. Significant moisture is expected in the coming days with higher humidity and daily storms.

Smoke: The fire is producing minimal smoke. Surrounding communities will see good air. Transported smoke from other active fires in upwind states or Mexico, may create some hazy skies on occasion. The interactive smoke map can still be found at

Closures: In the interest of public safety, camping and other recreation activities in the Bonito Lake Area are still restricted due to ongoing firefighting activities. The Forest closure order will continue to remain in effect for the White Mountain Wilderness Area.

Evacuations: All “Go” evacuation statuses have been lifted.For an interactive evacuation map go to

Safety: A Temporary Flight Restriction (TFR) is in place over the area, which includes uncrewed aircraft systems or drones. Find the TFR at

INCIWEB (maps and more): 

Fire Restrictions:  


Forest Closures:  

Road Closures:  

Evacuations: (575) 336-8600 or please visit: 

For Ready, Set, Go Status definitions, please visit: 

Evacuation Status Update:
Effective immediately, all of the subdivisions in the READY and SET status from the Blue 2 Fire will be lifted.

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