James Fire Update 1:37pm

Fire Update:  Firefighters have kept the James Fire at 0.59 acres for the time being. Their have been spotfires caused by embers blowing outside of the fire area, however firefighters have caught them all as of 1:37pm. They have also built a preliminary handline around the perimeter of the fire and have a hoselay in place. Additional firefighters are still arriving to assist. The fire has not crossed on to National Forest land at this time. (This is a correction to the previous post.) Evacuations are still in place.

Incident Name – James Fire

Jurisdiction: Private/State

Location: The fire started on private property just west of 16 Springs Rd.   Drop Pin of the where the fire startedhttp://maps.google.com/maps?q=32.95489,-105.6363

Containment: 0%

Size: 0.59 acres (The fire was previously reported at 2 acres, however a better size up estimate is now listed at 0.59 acres.)

Evacuations: Residents in the 16 Springs area on Highway 82 between Mile Marker 22-25.

Cause: Under Investigation

Date/Time Detected: April 22, 11:20am

Firefighting Resources: County and Forest Service firefighting resources.

Fuel Type: Grasses, timber

Values at Risk: Homes and outbuildings

The State of NM, Otero County and the Lincoln National Forest are all under fire restrictions.

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