Dark Canyon Fire Update August 15, 2020: Firing Operations Planned for Today

Size: 1,509 acres

Containment: 10%

Cause: Lightning

Location: 9 miles northwest of Capitan, NM

Total Personnel: 120

Lat/Long: 33°40’0.16″N 105°37’42.61″W

Fuel Type: Grass, piñon-juniper, ponderosa pine, dead and down forest debris

Date/Time Detected: 8/4/20 at 4:30 pm

Dark Canyon Fire Maps

Fire Update: The Dark Canyon Fire received light precipitation yesterday afternoon moderating fire activity. The fire is now 1,509 acres. Handlines and bulldozer lines have been established and prepped. Today crews will conduct firing operations from the northern tip of the fire moving eastward along the boundary between Forest Service and private land to further secure and strengthen control lines. On the west side of the fire, additional firing operations are planned along Highway 84 from Lake Mountain moving northeast to connect with the northern tip of the fire to secure the northern half of the fire. To the south, the fire reached Tucson Mountain where it stalled out in wetter brush-type vegetation. The fire has not seen significant growth to the south in many days.  Firing operations will produce additional smoke which will be at the heaviest and most visible levels in the afternoon. Coordination on fire tactics continues between the Forest Service, adjacent landowners, and the state.

Firefighting Resources: 3 Engines, 2 Type-2 Initial Attack Crews, 1 Type-1 Crew, 3 bulldozers, 1 Medic Team, 2 Resource Advisors, plus support personnel.

Smoke: Smoke will be visible from Carrizozo, Capitan, Devil’s Canyon, Highway 380, and Highway 246. It will slowly drift to the northwest. Please visit the NM Department of Health’s smoke page at https://nmtracking.org/fire for information on protecting your health on smoky days.

Weather: Weather is a large contributing factor to wildfire spread. Temperatures today will be in the low 80s with a 20-30% chance of rain. Humidity levels will be approximately 30% with winds of 5-10 mph.

More Info: Fire updates will occur every other day until no longer needed. Dark Canyon Inciweb Page: https://inciweb.nwcg.gov/incident/6937/

PIO: Laura Rabon, 505-681-2837, laura.rabon@usda.gov

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